Tips To Help Maintain Your Diet

Is there anyone alive who doesn’t struggle with dieting at a certain point? Nowadays, it seems like just about everyone’s trying to lose weight. Of course, as physical therapists, we want all of our patients to be as healthy as possible. This includes maintaining a healthy, ideal weight. Sometimes, to reach a healthier weight, we need to commit to a diet plan. Not everyone can work push-ups and sit-ups into their daily routine easily, sometimes it starts with a diet.

Every now and then, a new fad diet pops up promising fabulous weight loss with minimal effort. Usually, the results are never quite what they promise. Often, the problem is never quite beginning a diet, but committing to one. Therefore, our team of certified physical therapists have assembled a list of ways you can maximize the effects of your diet and remain on the right track.


1. Drink Plenty of Water

Oh, blessed water – also known as the elixir of life. Of course, hydration is super important for many other reasons besides the weight loss benefits. Drinking water streamlines our bodies’ efficiency in countless other areas, even helping to maximize the functions of our vital organs. However, water can also seriously contribute to weight loss.

Water is 100% calorie-free. Therefore, filling your glass with water rather than high-calorie options like juice, or soda can decimate your liquid calorie intake. Choose water as often as you can, rather than the twenty-ounce latte or soft drink, and you’ll drop the pounds faster.

2. Limit Sugars & Alcohol

Simply put: sugar and alcohol turns to fat. Obviously, high levels of sugar contributing to weight gain is no great mystery. Most of us know that if we consume vast proportions of high-sugar food like candy, pastries, cookies and cakes, we’re very likely to see the effects on the scale. However, most people are unaware that by limiting your alcohol intake, you can also make it much easier to commit to a successful, results-driven diet.

Also, many judge a hard drink’s potential for weight gain by its calorie content alone. However, it also increase our appetite and inhibits judgement, making it far more likely to cause binge-eating. Also, alcohol has what’s known as “empty calories” which the body absorbs but offer no nutritional value. When our bodies have extra calories that don’t turn into energy, they become fat.

3. Diversify Your Food Intake with Fruits, Vegetables & Whole Grains

Fruit, vegetables and whole grains are key foods in any diet regimen. They’re both high-water and high-fiber options, which keep your appetite satisfied for a longer period of time. In addition, because fruits, veggies and whole grains are also rich sources of vitamins and minerals, they provide a lot of nutritional value, as well.


Conclusion – Farmingdale Physical Therapy West

More than anything, we want our patients to be healthy. Our enduring passion for wellness motivates us to continue optimizing physical therapy for anyone who needs it. Therefore, we encourage everyone to embrace a healthy lifestyle by selecting nutritional food options and maintaining an ideal weight.

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