
Beginner Intermediate and Advanced Exercises for Back Pain

According to the American Pain Foundation, back pain affects 8 out of 10 Americans throughout some point in their life and it’s the primary cause of disability in the U.S. for people under the age of 45. Those with back pain may feel like resting, but getting your body moving and preforming light exercises to…
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Man on Bench with Knee Pain


3 Tips to Preventing Knee Pain

We put an enormous amount of pressure on our knees on a daily basis. It’s no wonder why knee pain is one of the top complaints from people of all ages. The most common causes include, “inflammation caused by improper lifting of heavy objects, poor flexibility, bad shoes, muscle weakness, starting high-impact fitness routines without…
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Man Meditating Outside


Reasons to Start Meditating Today

Meditation has been around for 100s of years and with all the wonderful benefits it’s no wonder meditation is practiced even today. The word “meditation” comes from the English translation of Indo-Tibetan words meaning the “cultivation of familiarity with one’s own mind.” David Vago, Ph. D, a research associate at Harvard Medical School, says, “Meditation gives…
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Group doing high intensity workout


HIIT Workout: Benefits & Why it Works

High-intensity interval training is a “HIIT” among athletes and gym goers alike. Physical Therapist L Augustyn defines high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as “short, intense, unsustainable bursts of physical activity, paired with intervals of quick rests.” This type of training can be done anywhere and requires no equipment. HIIT workouts normally use only your body weight, in order to keep…
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Foam roller stretching at gym


3 Benefits of Foam Rolling

If you have ever been in any sporting goods store, a gym, or even your physical therapist’s office, I am sure you have seen a foam roller before. Foam rollers are an effective, inexpensive and portable way to help with trigger points around your muscles. Dr. Axe, a wellness physician, describes foam rolling as a…
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