The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain


The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Often, the first line of treatment for back pain is physical therapy. At Farmingdale Physical Therapy West, we see people of all ages and with many conditions; however, back pain is our most common complaint. Do you suffer from back pain? If so, you are not alone. According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million…
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Back Pain: What Causes it and What Can You Do?


Back Pain: What Causes it and What Can You Do?

The spine is divided into three portions: the cervical (upper portion), the thoracic (middle portion), and the lumbar (lower portion). Each portion of the spine has a different natural curve that acts as both protection of the back and allowance of proper movement. Over time, the effect of gravity has the potential to influence these…
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Stand up to Lower Back Pain – Find Relief Through Physical Therapy


Stand up to Lower Back Pain – Find Relief Through Physical Therapy

Lower back pain is a very common sensation that affects 60-70% of people across industrialized nations. It can also greatly limit many aspects of your daily life. For example, working, doing the activities you love, spending time with friends and family, or even just relaxing can be difficult if you are ached by lower back…
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