Text Neck: The Modern Spine Ailment


Text Neck: The Modern Spine Ailment

Can you go a few minutes without looking down at your phone? Don’t worry most Americans can’t either. Which is why an increasingly common health problem is developing. Diagnosis: TEXT NECK Chiropractor Dr. Steven Shoshany describes text neck as the damage sustained from looking down at your cell phone or other wireless devices repeatedly for…
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Releasing Depression Through Exercise

Depression is a disorder that affects an individual’s emotional mood and mental capacity causing either sadness or a loss of interest. Whether you are experiencing a loss of a loved one, struggling with school, having a hard time managing friendships, or overwhelmed with work, it is important to seek out individuals experiencing similar adversities. Though…
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The Facts About Diabetes


The Facts About Diabetes

Curious about Diabetes and want to know more? Make sure to check out this week’s blog of the week to learn the facts about Diabetes