Man slouching looking down at cell phone


Text Neck: The Modern Spine Ailment

Can you go a few minutes without looking down at your phone? Don’t worry most Americans can’t either. Which is why an increasingly common health problem is developing. Diagnosis: TEXT NECK Chiropractor Dr. Steven Shoshany describes text neck as the damage sustained from looking down at your cell phone or other wireless devices repeatedly for…
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Fruits of Summer: Watermelon

Nothing says summer like biting into a fresh juicy watermelon. Watermelon can be enjoyed in salads, smoothies, sorbets, and salsas. Have you ever tried watermelon with feta cheese? One of my favorites! Not only does watermelon taste great but it also has a plethora of nutritional value. Here, are just some of the many amazing…
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Vegetables of Summer: Beets

Beets, if you can’t beat them, you might as well enjoy them! Here are some benefits of what starts to happen to your body when you include beets as a regular part of your diet.    High Blood Pressure: According to a review published in Heart and Circulatory Physiology, people who develop high blood pressure…
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What are Static Stretches?

Your warm up is over; you performed your stretches, and finished a killer workout. But, before you give yourself a big pat on the back, there is still one final step to be done-static stretches. Static stretches are ideal for post workouts, otherwise known as the cool down. You would never want to perform static…
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Couple stretching at the gym


Is Stretching a Warm Up?

Stretching is a warm up. True or False Stretching is not warming up! But, it is an important part of warming up. Warming up is exactly how it sounds, raising our body temperature (which stretching does not do). The National Sports Medicine Institute states, “ A warm-up is a session which takes place prior to doing physical…
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