Group doing high intensity workout


Benefits of Having a Strong Core

You’ve heard countless comments from just about everybody, discussing how they would kill for nice, chiseled abs. Or, you’ve likely heard many people claim that one day, they will have a gorgeous six-pack. Of course, there’s a definite visual appeal to having a lean and toned stomach. However, there are also several other benefits to…
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woman holding lower back in pain


Tips for Staying Well After Physical Therapy

Following physical therapy treatment, you’re ready to take on the challenges you’ll face post-therapy. That can be anything from tying your shoes to your favorite recreational activity.  Sure, your formal treatment may be complete. However, it’s important to continue the steps you’ve taken to recover. This applies even after your sessions conclude. As you look…
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Young woman practicing yoga, phalankasana Plank pose


5 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Yoga

In addition to simply being a fantastic way to exercise, yoga can balance body, mind and spirit. Additionally, practitioners experience an invigorating sense of serenity and wellbeing throughout a challenging physical routine. The best thing about yoga? Anyone can reap the benefits – no matter what age, gender, size, strength or flexibility. And it yields…
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Exercise and Aging

As we all know, there’s no avoiding the aging process. Throughout our life, we must prepare for the inevitable by either dropping our bad habits or incorporating exercise into our daily routine. As we age, we begin to see a negative impact on our cardiovascular, digestive, and neurovascular system. Additionally, we will see a decrease…
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Athlete woman is running during winter training outside in cold snow weather.


Physical Therapists’ Tips for Exercising in the Cold

Now that summer’s officially over, it’s time to prepare for the weather to change. While the autumn weather has yet to kick in, it’s never too early to brace yourself for the plummeting temperatures of winter. Before we know it, the days will be cold, gray and much shorter. However, that doesn’t mean we should…
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