Ab workouts are extremely important for your health


Having a Strong Core for Injury Prevention

Having a strong, solid core is vital during many activities of your daily life. The core is a general term used to describe all the musculature of the lumbar-pelvic hip complex, better known as your “abs”. These muscles are responsible for many actions your body performs, but more importantly these muscles hold your body upright against the forces of gravity.

Maintaining energy throughout your workout is important, and proper nutrition is the key.


Increasing Your Intra-Workout Energy

Have you ever been in the middle of a workout and suddenly you’re starving? This usually ends in one of two ways. Either you stop your workout entirely to eat, or continue your workout with nothing but food on your mind


The Weather Outside Is Weather

Be careful out there this week folks. With temperatures dropping into the teens, and a predicted snow fall this weekend between 8-24 inches, there will be ice. As we all know too well, ice can be slippery and very dangerous. Here’s a few tips to help keep you on your feet.


Everyone’s talking about the PowerBall this week…

What are the chances of you winning the lotto? Slim to none. However, the chances of you using a powerball (aka medicine ball) for your workout? Much more likely. The medicine ball can be used as the ultimate total body workout, and its old-school.

A tangled ball of Christmas lights


Holiday Season is Upon Us

Christmas is coming and as the song goes “the geese are getting fat”, but let’s make sure that we aren’t joining them this Christmas. This time of year is filled with gifts, parties, and let’s not forget the food.